Aperitivos populares similares a las patatas fritas

///Aperitivos populares similares a las patatas fritas
  • Aperitivos populares similares a las patatas fritas

Aperitivos populares similares a las patatas fritas

2019-04-19T02:11:28+00:0019 de abril, 2019|Línea de producción de patatas fritas|

Aperitivos populares similares a las patatas fritas

Brazilian fast food industry has developed so rapidly and well, which indicates potato chips market enjoyed broad space for development. Other examples include the proliferation of several small sweet bakery goods specialists mainly in mini sweets such as chocolate-based sweets and cupcakes, which expanded in large metropolitan areas through franchising during 2012. This is the case of the international chain Quiznos, a sandwich specialist which started activity in Brazil in 2011 and increased rapidly; it had 21 stores in the first months of 2013.

In Brazil, many popular snacks are similar to potato chips or flavor similar to potato chips, such as Salgadinhos and Batata Palha are that every Brazilian grew up with.

Batata Palha, that is little-fried potato sticks. They’re potato chips in a slimmer stick version. Don’t be fooled, their shape in no way takes away from their potato chip goodness. Putting it on any and everything, just like ketchup. Batata palha on your hot dogs, batata palha on your stroganoff, batata palha on everything.
Of course, there are still many other Brazilian special and local snacks like Passatempo, Pipoca de Arroz, Biscoito de Polvilho etc. Anyway, it shows that Brazilians like potato chips flavor to a certain extent at least.

Increasing demand for chilled frozen and ready-made products, like potato chips or French fries and increasing proportion of meals consumed outside of the home brighten Brazilian potato chips market prospects. All leading operators within fast food have already announced their intention to invest in Brazil over the 2012-2017 period through significant resources expanding into new opening stores in largest cities of the country as well as to increase participation in other regions as south, northeast, and center-east. According to ABF, 60% of food service chains are concentrated in the southeast region, which shows the potential growth to expand into other geographical areas. As an extremely popular snack all over the world, we believe that Brazilian potato chips or French fries market will be faced with an even broader prospect of development.